Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Letterpress Fun

I took a letterpress workshop at The Arm in Williamsburg over the weekend and I am now hooked. I may not want to own a letterpress but I can go to The Arm and use their Vandercook letterpress for $15 per hour. Here are a couple of prints that I made, they're simple but I just love the impression it made. The hardest part was to typeset with the wooden and metal printing blocks, it's an art form on its own and would take a long time to master it, but thankfully we can now print with polymer plates which would save a LOT of time! I think I will go back there for my first art project very photo: the arm's flickr page

1 comment:

monique said...

I found your blog randomly
That is such a great price to rent time to use the vandercook!
If i lived in that area I would definitely go there, in LA there is one place that will let you rent a press but for $25/hour minimum 6hours!

cool stuff!